Evan in park

Evan in park

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cousin Thomas (and Aunt Terrie and Uncle Tom) Comes to visit

From October 6th-10th we had visitors! We were so happy to have the Wnukowski family come visit and to get the boys together. Thomas and Evan seemed to have a lot of fun together (makes me wish we were closer).  We got to do a lot of fun things while our visitors were here. We went to the zoo, the pumpkin patch, the balloon fiesta (twice), and the KAFB Air Show.  Here are a few pictures from our visit.

Face off!

First Halloween costumes!

  Evan and Aunt Terrie

The Pumpkin Patch

Balloon Fiesta 2011

Air Show...Sitting Under a B52 Bomber

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


We had an appoitment last Monday with Evan's geneticist, Dr. H.  He said Evan looks fantastic, but his numbers are still high. We are decreasing his protein intake even more.  He is doing well, though.  We also asked Dr. H to contact Stanford for us and to get the referral going for a liver transplant pre-evaulation. He emailed yesterday and said he contacted Stanford and we may be getting a call from their transplant coordinator.  We are nervous and excited all at the same time! We are sure this is the way we want to go, but don't really know what is going to happen. And we know the waiting is going to be difficult once Evan is placed on the list. Either way...we feel this is right for us and for Evan!