We have been at home for 2 weeks (tomorrow) and all continues to go well! Last week we had our first metabolic clinic appointment where we met with the geneticist, genetic counselor, and dietician to discuss Evan's progress and course of treatment. Everyone continues to be pleased with his progress and he is continuing to put on wait! He was 7.2 lbs at metabolic clinic last Monday and today at his weight check and blood draw he was 7.92 lbs! Eating and gaining weight like a champ! (Both are VERY good signs). Right now we will continue to do weight checks and blood draws every Monday and then meet monthly with the genetic team. After each weight check, the dietician looks at the information and determines how much protein Evan should be getting. Right now he gets his protein from breastmilk, but we will soon switch to a regular infant formula as the pumping and feeding is not going as well as I as was hoping. The geneticist gets the results of Evan's bloodwork and determines if we need to continue to supplement the acids isoleucine and valine, then tells us how much of each we are to give him. This bloodwork also helps to determine how much protein Evan should eat.
Evan is growing and changing every day! He LOVES his playmat. He lies there and looks at the lights and listens to the music. When it stops...he starts to cry to get you to start it for him again. He has startled himself a few times by actually hitting the toys that hang above him. He also likes his swing a lot. He will calm easily when he swings and he also likes to just look up at the mirror and mobile on his swing.
Aunt Michelle and Uncle Jason with Evan |
Aunt Michelle (JR's sister) and Uncle Jason came for a visit last week. We enjoyed having them and I know they enjoyed getting to meet Evan. We got a chance to go out to the botanical gardens and have Aunt Michelle take some pics of Evan with the flowers and for our birth announcements. They turned out super cute! (Thanks Michelle!)
My 512th Ladies and I on Spouse Day |
As for JR and I, we have been adjusting to our new schedule with Evan and trying to sleep when we can. JR is back at work, so night time feeds often fall on me, which is okay since I can try to nap during the day if need be. On Friday I got to go on a spouse flight FINALLY! (I kept missing them when we were stationed at Moody). It was so cool to finally get to fly in a helicopter and see what my husband does each day! What an amazing view he has from his "office" in the sky! :) I will definitely fly again when the chance arises!
Easter morning before heading to our friend's house
We celebrated Easter this year with some friends by going to a BBQ. It was small, but nice to have friends to spend time with for the holiday.
All continues to go well here and we hope you can say the same!
Love the yellow polk-a-dot picture! So cute!! - Michelle