This past weekend was wonderful! We had quite a bit of family come to help us celebrate Evan's baptism! It was wonderful to see so many family members together since we haven't seen family for quite a while.
Friday family came into town, so we just had a spaghetti dinner at the house to enjoy some time together.
Great Aunt Bessie meets Evan for the first time! |
Evan meets mommy's cousins Alex and Lauren for the first time. |
Saturday was Evan's baptism day! What a beautiful day it was! We had a total of around 35 friends and family come to the church and then to lunch to help us celebrate! Thank you to each and every one of you for being a part of this special day for us. The Baptism was beautiful. Evan cried a bit when he was submerged in the water in the baptismal font. You will see in one of the pictures that he actually held on to the table in front of him as if to say "don't put me in there again". (For those of you that don't know, in an Orthodox baptism, a child is submerged into the holy water 3 times).
Praying before Evan is baptized |
Evan is baptized! Can you see he's not too happy? |
Being annointed with holy oil. |
Being changed into his new clean garments. |
Very dapper! |
Evan and Yiayia (my mom) |
Even being confirmed |
Evan and his Nouno (Godfather) |
Father Conan was wonderful and really shared the baptismal process with our friends and family. He explained the meaning behind everything and really did a great job making sure that we all understood what we had just witnessed.
Evan's beautiful cake (c/o Sam's Club) |
Members of our Military Family
The Poes, Chases, and Franzes |
The Sacks and the Ostroskis |
The Frieszes and the Willinghams |
Yiayia, Great Aunt Mary, Great Aunt Bessie, Great Grandparents, Alex, and Lauren |
Father and Prevytera Conan with their son Nikolaus |
Thea Georgia |
Dad and Kristy
What a blessed day we had for Evan! :)
So bummed I couldn't make it! Darn being sick! But it all looked so wonderful!