Evan in park

Evan in park

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Upper GI and Swallow Study

Evan finally had an upper GI and swallow study because of his horrible reflux.  Good news is he is swallowing okay. The bad news is that he sometimes aspirates when he is swallowing. For those who don't know, that means that the milk sometimes goes into his airway instead of his esophagus. The fact that he hasn't had a sever upper respiratory infection like pneumonia or bronchitis means that he is at least expelling most of what he aspiraites.  To help fix the problem, they are having us thicken Evan's formula so it doesn't go in his airway. Of course, since he can't have a lot of rice cereal, we have to use something else to thicken it. They recommended something called Simply Thick. Of course, it's only sold in 1 store in town and is not cheap.  Of course Evan is worth it! It's just frustrating!  We have started it today and so far so good. Hopefully he continues to do better and better with it. Aspiration in a child with reflux is not uncommon and hopefully his reflux continues to get better on its own as it does with most children.

The speech pathologist also said Evan has a slight tongue tie. Hopefully it doesn't cause a huge issue or he may need to have his tie cut shorter. (Not a major surgery, but still could need to be done).

I had a break down today because I felt like nothing was going right, but my amazing husband, friends and family reminded me that I am a great mom and doing everything I can for our little man!

1 comment:

  1. Teddi, you're an amazing mother and I honestly look up to you. Im sure you know this by the ammount of times I text and call you to ask you questions. I admire your strength and know that if I was in your situation that I probably wouldnt handle it like you do. You and Evan always have similes on your faces and to everyone who doesnt know about Evans MSUD they would never guess. Im lucky to have a friend like you and Vince is lucky to have a older friend Evan to look up too!
