After visiting our friends, we finished our drive and were able to celebrate Independence Day with some wonderful friends from our time at Moody AFB in GA. We are very excited because a few of them will be PCSing to Albuquerque in just a couple of months and we will get to spend more time together and they will get to watch Evan grow! It was Evan's first Fourth of July, but of course he was asleep during the fireworks. We did take him outside to watch them, but he just slept in his Peapod tent and wasn't fazed a bit by the loud booms. I am glad to say my child can sleep through just about anything. While in Destin, Evan got to see the beach for the first time and even put his toes in the water and sand. At first he wasn't too excited about the waves hitting his toes, but he warmed up to it and will probably love the ocean just like his Daddy!
The next day, we hit the road again. This time we were headed to Chicago. We spent a couple days in Chicago visiting with my family and introducing Evan to his Big Fat Greek Family! :) While in Chicago, Evan had the opportunity of meeting all 3 of his living Great Grandparents on my side of the family! I am so blessed to still have my grandparents in my life!
After our short visit, we went down to Bloomington visit JR's family. Evan was able to meet all his Aunt's and his 8 cousins! He was definitely spoiled being the only boy and the baby. It was wonderful to be able to visit and have the closest people in our lives meet our special little guy! He is truly blessed to have you all in his life! :)
The drive home was okay. Long, but okay! I have to say a HUGE thank you to my husband for the 60 + hours of driving he did on this trip! Love you babe!
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