Hello Everyone!
I am creating this blog to give everyone a chance to keep updated on the day to day activities of our family. Since the military often keeps us from seeing family as often as we'd like, I thought this would be a great way to share pictures and updates about the things going on in our lives. Especially now that we are expecting our little man to be here in the next few months! Sometimes I wonder where the past 2 and a half years of marriage have gone and think that life has flown by! Other times I sit back and realize am thankful for the time I have to enjoy my life and all the new experiences the military and life have to offer.
Things are getting all set for baby Evan to arrive! Yes...for those of you who haven't heard...we chose a name! His name will be Evan Gary Miller. Evan is due to arrive March 31, 2011, which is only 13 weeks and 3 days away! He'll be here before we know it!
I am creating this blog to give everyone a chance to keep updated on the day to day activities of our family. Since the military often keeps us from seeing family as often as we'd like, I thought this would be a great way to share pictures and updates about the things going on in our lives. Especially now that we are expecting our little man to be here in the next few months! Sometimes I wonder where the past 2 and a half years of marriage have gone and think that life has flown by! Other times I sit back and realize am thankful for the time I have to enjoy my life and all the new experiences the military and life have to offer.
Things are getting all set for baby Evan to arrive! Yes...for those of you who haven't heard...we chose a name! His name will be Evan Gary Miller. Evan is due to arrive March 31, 2011, which is only 13 weeks and 3 days away! He'll be here before we know it!
This is Evan's crib all set up (except for the mattress) |
Here is a view of Evan's room from the corner by his crib |
Here is a view of Evan's room from the doorway. |
Here is Evan's other dresser and comforter with the letters that will go above his crib when we are all done. |
The pregnancy has been really good! I had some nausea during the first trimester and the beginning of the second trimester, but those times have come and gone. At this point I am at the end of the 2nd trimester with a growing belly along with which come aches and pains. I feel good most of the time and have been able to continue daily life as usual. Unfortnunately I am not working full time as I couldn't find a job when we moved to Albuquerque, but I am substitute teaching at a local elemntary school a few times a week and absolutely love it! Who knows, maybe not finding a job is a good thing because it will give me the chance to stay home when Evan is born. We'll take each day as it comes.
Here are some pregnancy pics so you can see the progression.
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This picture was taken at about 20 weeks. |
This picture was taken on Christmas day at 26 weeks |
We didn't make it in to IL for the holidays this year, so we had a quiet Christmas at home, just JR (for our military friends who don't know, JR is what Gary's family calls him as he is a JR) and I! It was actually quite nice! On Christmas Eve we walked around Old Town and enjoyed the little shops and the decorations. Then we went to dinner and caught a movie. Quite different than the crazy hustle and bustle we are accustomed to. We did miss our families, but enjoyed our quiet time knowing that this will be the last "quiet" Christmas for many years! On Christmas day we got up, had cinnamon rolls for breakfast (I finally got to use the Christmas dishes my Aunts and Uncles have bought me in past years) and took Wrigley to the dog park. After the park we opened gifts and then spent the day enjoying eachother's company. We watched movies, worked on Evan's room and just enjoyed a day at home. I did cook a Christmas dinner of ham, green bean casserole, double baked potatoes, and biscuits. We thoroughly enjoyed our dinner!
The two pictures above were taken in Old Town. The streets get lit up by luminaries and there is even a live Nativity Scene in front of the church.
This was breakfast Christmas morning! Warm cinnamon rolls...YUM! I was so excited to finally use my Christmas dishes from my family! Thanks guys!
JR didn't want to take pictures, but I was able to snap this picture of him while opening his stocking.
Of course Wrigley got to open his stocking, too! He is still enjoying his peanut butter filled cattle bone!Now we are just awaiting the beginning of 2011 and the excitement that it will bring to our lives!
We wish a happy and healthy new year to all our family and friends!
We wish a happy and healthy new year to all our family and friends!
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