Today was also Father's Day! We had a nice relaxing day hanging out at home. Then we went to Olive Garden for a Father's Day lunch. Afterward we stopped by Babies R Us to pick up a few things for Evan. Evan made Daddy an impression of his feet and painted them green for his father's day present. It's like a decoration for him to hang in his office. Daddy loved it along with the card that Evan got him. All in all it was a nice relaxing day as a family.
This is a family album for JR and I to share with our friends and families near and far the daily events of our lives. It is also a diary of our journey with MSUD.
Evan in park

Sunday, June 19, 2011
3 Months Old and Father's Day
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Summer is officially here!
Summer has officially hit Albuquerque and it's HOT! (and smokey. For those of you that don't know, the AZ fires are causing some major smoke here in Abq). Things are going well and we are enjoying the nice weather. Evan, Wrigley and I get out a bit and walk, but only in the morning because it gets too warm later in the day. Evan loves to be outside. It's pretty windy here in Abq, but he seems to like the wind most of the time.
Evan is doing great! His leucine levels are finally at the normal range (116)! We have been chasing them up since he was released from the hospital (which is pretty typical of MSUD cases). We are finally in the normal range. Now we just need them to stay there! We will continue to get weekly blood tests and weight checks so the dietician can help us to adjust his diet each week. The dietician determines how much protein he should get to keep his leucine levels normal. In addition to his protein formula (Enfamil) she also tells us how much of each of his valine and isoleucine supplements he should get. Obviously it's been working, so we are very happy with that!
Although the doctors have been great, dealing with the insurance has been a nightmare! They are supposed to cover everything...his formula and supplements, and they will, but it's been quite a process to get there! The initial referral was, I guess, not written correctly, so when we went to get Evan's supplements from the pharmacy they wouldn't pay for them. (They will reimburse us, but that's a whole other process). In speaking to our TriCare case manager, she determined we would have to get our supplements and formula from a healthcare company that could send them to the house and the only one she found that would deliver both was Apria Healthcare. Great...we thought...when they found a company. Of course, then there was a delay because they didn't have these items in their system (since MSUD is so rare) and had to add them which would take at least another 2 weeks. UGH! More waiting! Luckily, Nutricia (the company that makes Evan's formula) has been AWESOME and have sent us more sample cans as requested by Evan's dietician. They have been so wonderful in making sure we are never without what Evan needs. Now we have FINALLY starting getting our shipments from Apria, however we have only gotten his supplements. I called today and the formula was supposed to be delivered to the local branch today. I am supposed to get a call back letting us know when we will have his formula here at home...I am not holding my breath! I call this company almost daily to make sure we are getting what we need. It just goes to remind me that it's true that as a parent we are our children's only advocates. If we don't speak up and fight for them, no one else will! I will ALWAYS fight for my son! So that's my rant about the insurance and healthcare company. Eventually it will get figured out, but for now it is my biggest frustration.
Our life in Albuquerqe is going well. I turned 30 a week ago today and we had friends over on Memorial Day to celebrate. It was really great to have friends in the house and to hang out. It reminds me that no matter where the AF takes us, we always have friends! Speaking of friends, some of our best friends from our time at Moody will be PCSing (permanent change of station for you civilian people out there) here to Albuquerque in the fall. It will be great to have these familiar friends around again! :)
Gary (JR) is doing well too! He is busy with work, as always, but seems to be enjoying it most of the time. He likes the people he works with and what he does, so that always helps. He is going to Vegas this week for the Pedro 66 memorial. (Pedro 66, for those of you who don't know, was the rescue helicopter that went down last year in Afghanistan). As sad as it will be, he is glad to be able to go and be a part of it and to remember his friends. Other than work, he has been enjoying grilling since it's summer again and he is back on the four wheeler enjoying the sunny Albuquerque weather. I am hoping to get on the four wheeler a bit this summer since last year I didn't really get to enjoy it being pregnant.
I think that's about all going on in the lives of the Miller family. We are looking forward to the rest of the summer and traveling to Florida for a friend's wedding and then up to Chicago so family and friends can meet our precious angel, Evan! We will try to see as many of you as we can when we travel to Illinois, but please forgive us if we run out of time. There are lots of you and only 3 of us! Love to you all! :) Hope the beginning of the summer is finding you all as well as it's finding us!
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