We are six weeks away from Evan's due date! I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed. I get the feeling that I am going to miss being pregnant when he finally arrives. Although, I will, of course, be overjoyed to have him to hold and hug and kiss! :) Being pregnant has been an amazing experience. To love someone so much before you have even seen their tiny face and hands is remarkable. There truly is no love like the love a parent has for a child!
Although we are still 6 weeks from d day, the doctor has said that any time after 35 weeks, they will not try to stop labor. That means we could have a baby anytime after the next 7 days!! WOW! Let's pray he holds out until 37 weeks at least, though as 37 weeks is considered full term and would mean his lungs should most definitely be fully developed.
At this point, I have 5 doctor's appointments left. One is two weeks from now and then the others are all one week apart! I can't believe that's all the time that is left until we get to meet our bundle of joy! :)