Evan in park

Evan in park

Thursday, January 13, 2011

29 Week Appointment

I had another doctor's appointment and baby Evan seems to be doing great! His heart beat was 152 today. Still nice and strong as it should be! I am measuring right on schedule and all in all he seems to be growing well. We should have another ultrasound/growth scan done in a couple of weeks.

As usual, I had a urine test and my blood pressure checked. The doctor is slightly concerned because there was a small amount of protein in my urine and my blood pressure was elevated. My blood pressure was 137/83.  A combination of elevated blood pressure and protein in my urine could be a sign of pre-eclampsia. The doctor decided it would be best to run a 24 hour urine test and another blood test to check for additional symptoms of pre-eclampsia.  Based on the results of the 24 hour urine catch and monitoring of my blood pressure she will determine if I will need any further treatment.  Don't worry though...she did say that none of this should effect my trip to Chicago unless my protein level on the 24 hour test is through the roof, which she is not anticipating.  The doctor did say that if my blood pressure continues to elevate and they determine that I do have pre-eclampsia that I may have to be induced at 37 weeks. That would mean that Evan could be here a few weeks sooner than we are anticipating...

On a good note, at the end of my appointment, the doctor took my blood pressure again and it was already down to 127/82. MUCH CLOSER to where it should be. Then, on my way home, I stopped at Walmart to check my blood pressure and the machine said it was down to 109/77 (normal).  Hopefully my elevated blood pressure was due to my lack of sleep last night and the fact that I was anxious about being late to my appointment this morning because there was an accident on the highway. 

Either way, what's important is that Evan and I are doing well! I am looking forward to traveling to Chicago to see friends and family and to celebrate the upcoming arrival of our precious little man!